torsdag 29. oktober 2009

The scary, scary pills.

So my doctor put me on a new type of pill to combat THE DIZZY.
I adore my doctor (even hubby likes her and he hates doctors more than me).
I'm always wary of new medicine, so I always read the sideffects bit in the info-leaflet.
These.. oh boy.. The nicest bit was severe drowsiness (boy did we get that one!) and the worst was.. I'm not joking here!! "sudden unexpected cardiovascular death*.
Chew on that one!
So I've spent the last 6 days i a semi-coma.
If you've tried talking to me, I apologize.
I've been "out".
But tonight, I woke up!
No more dizzy!
I redid the livingroom. I dusted lots of dust! (and wooohee there was a lot of it)
But now I'm scared.
What if it goes away again?
I feel so good, it would be a million times worse if THE DIZZY came back now.
So I'll keep taking the lovely,scary little pills and hope that I can go on feeling as good as I do right now.

søndag 25. oktober 2009

girls... goddamn girls!

I know I harp on about this topic, but it just seems to stalk me no matter what I do.
Is it so terribly wrong of me to hope for a nice girl that means what she says, dosent flake at the drop of a pin and actually cares about me and my feelings?
Maybe if I just give up looking someone nice will simply fall into my bed.
It worked 11 years ago, no reason it shouldnt work again!

onsdag 7. oktober 2009

Like they've never seen a human before.

So i shaved my head.
Not completely bald, there is about half a cm or so left.
i did it because its something i've never done before, my hair was completely fucked from bleach/dye, and as i always say, if you cant mess around with your hair, what can you mess with? it will grow back.
What i hadn't thought about was the reaction of.. well.. pretty much everone but my friends.
People stare.
They point and whisper.
One guy driving past me actually slowed down and leaned over to get a good look.
Is it that strange to see a girl with short-short hair?
Oh well.
If i ever decide to tattoo clown-makeup on my face, at least i'll know what to expect.