Yesterday was awful, semi-halusinating bad stuff coming to get me and freaking out all over the place.
Today is just fuzzy.
Everything feels miles away and nothing really bothers me at all, even when I know objectivly that I still feel like shit.
I've never really done drugs before, exept a four month round of some anti-crazy pill when I was 17 and completely messed up.
Still dont remember much of those four months, besides the general feeling that everything was just fiiiine and nothing bothered me at all.
I hope I dont loose myself again like I did back then, and so far this seems much better and I'm carefully optimistic.
High hopes and low expectations, thats the best way to go.
So for now, I'll snuggle in to my cocoon of insulated un-feeling (totaly a word now) and revel in the sensation of not having to hurt all the fucking time.
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