onsdag 5. oktober 2011

Tired and sore, but in a wonderful way,

Its been a whirlwind of a weekend, let me tell you!
Funny how you can miss someone every day, the feeling integrates itself in to the fabric of life, always there in the background.
And then they are suddenly THERE, right in front of you, oh my gods, its really him and the feeling comes rushing in like a... something huge anyway and you just loose your breath and your head spins and the world goes quiet, and he is kissing you and everything is just right, so right.
And then you try to cram as much love as possible in to the brief days together, again, always with the feeling in the background, one less minute, one less hour, just two more nights now, just one...
Please kiss me, kiss me harder, don't let me think about you walking out the door in five minutes, three, one...
And then its just you again, just you in front of the screen, pouring out your heart in pixles and trying not to cry, starting another count-down, integrating the feeling again, pushing it to the back, not forgetting, but trying not to poke at it to much so it won't sting so bad, but it's always there.