tirsdag 30. august 2011

Holy... uh.. something..

First of all, the weekend was lots of fun.
Even with the plague still going strong and the concern over a sick rattie-baby, I had a ton of fun playing the Lord of Darkness and Doom reincarnated in the body of a woman and plotting the socks of everyone.

And then I came home..
Holy crap..
No,no, nothing bad, but I am a little overwhelmed.
I put up a little notice on a website a few days ago, looking for new playmates, thinking I'd maybe get three or four answers if I was lucky.
At the moment I've got 45 answers, and it feels like an avalanche.
I'll have to sort through the crap to get to the ones that look like potentials, and that is gonna take a little time.
I am looking forward to it though, cause there are some real gems in there.
As always, I have high hopes and low expectations.

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