mandag 8. mars 2010

Sugar-hangover. Its whats for dinner.

Or breakfast..
I had a muffin.
It was a nice, innocent little thing.
Gluten-free and everything.
But the devil is in the details, and in my rush to get out the door, I frosted the little bugger with sugar-glaze.
Bad, bad mistake.
Hangovers are never good, but its double bad when I never even had a drink!
And gods I want a drink!
And candy!
And a big fucking greasy burger!

Oh well.
Had my big finish with the super-doctor today.
I'm looking at a year of no yeast, sugar, gluten or milk to start with.
But for all my bitching, it has really helped a lot, so giving up shitty food that was slowly killing me wont be such a burden in the long run.

Here is to a healthy year full of oportunities and shit!
Have a drink for me. :-)

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