Got my post-surgery bra yesterday.
It fits ca 1/3 of my current boobage.
This is starting to scare me. Quite a lot.
But the positive will ALWAYS outshine the negative on this topic.
Also, I'm going out with a bang.
Cant wait for the party this weekend!
All my wonderful, kinky, perfect friends will be there and I will get some good memories before all the blargh.
Oh, and the BF has a concert this friday, and that will be awsome.
He has such a great voice! It just makes me feel all tingly.
Only thing I'm kinda sad about is not being able to see Hubbys GF before monday.
Really wish she could be here, she always knows how to make me calm down.
2 kommentarer:
Good luck with your surgery!! I hope everything goes well and that you'll recover fast.
Lykke til med operasjonen! It'll all be worth it.
Kan desverre ikke komme på festlighetene, jeg har nøyaktig 11 kroner på konto og er ca verdens mest depressive menneske for øyeblikket, og ingen vil jo ha sorte hull på festen sin. Ha det gøy, og hils de få jeg kjenner der!
Klem fra Emmy
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