Its growling.
It wants out, it wants blood.
It wants to get blindingly drunk and do stupid shit.
It wants to call old lovers i dont care for anymore, just so it can pretend someone wants it.
It wants to hurt someone, badly.
My beast has long pointed fingernails, made to claw out eyes with.
My beast is hungry, hungry for anything that might make it feel cared for, just for a minute.
i keep trying not to listen.
i shut my eyes and i shut my ears, but the beast is in my head and it wont go away no matter what i do.
i'm so tired.
i just want someone to hold me.
1 kommentar:
Ooh, skumle dyret...
Ekstra tøft om man leser innlegget ditt baklengs! (altså, venstre til høyre, men starter på bunn og går oppover)
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