fredag 29. august 2008

I've always sucked at being honest.
When I was little I lied for fun, to see if I could get away with it.
When I grew up I lied as a means of surviving, to keep everyone out.
I suck at trusting people.
Pretty much everyone I've trusted more than a little has broken my heart in the worst way they can.
Maybe not because they meant to, maybe just because they were thoughtless or slipped.
I'm overly sensitive, I know this.
But some did mean to. One or two set out from the start to hurt me.
I'm good at keeping grudges. Even if I never do anything, I never forget either.
I wish I had a gargoyle to guard my heart.
But then again, if nothing at all got in, I couldnt feel as happy as I do right now.
So I try again. I open my heart and let someone in, and we'll see if this time, maybe...

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