tirsdag 21. august 2012

Easing my way back in.

I can't belive it, but I'm going on... a DATE!
With a real, live... GIRL!
And she asked me out!
I'm running out of exclamation points here!!!
I'm so full of nervous energy it's coming out of my ears.
So I'm cleaning the living room, cleaning the fridge, doing laundry, doing dishes, vacuming, dusting, sorting books and just generally running around in a tizzy.

mandag 20. august 2012

Summer's over.

Or at least it feels like it is.
It's been a whirlwind of fun. Larps, traveling, parties, good friends, and all the strawberries I could get my grubby paws on.
But now it's time to try and be a grown-up and do battle with the unemployment-office monsters again.
So I'll strap on my thickest hide and get ready for the trenches again.
Wish me luck?