And its the shittiest time of the year.
i'm allergic to winter and darkness.
i just want to curl up inside myself and sleep till may.
The last truly happy christmas memory i remember was when i was 11.
Spending money on junk and stressing out over nothing.
Tis' the season.
Lets all pack up our lives and go somewhere warm?
White sand and blue waves, please?
In my head it feels like i'm there already.
i'm certainly not here.
everything is fuzzy and unclear, like i'm wrapped in something numbing and fluffy.
i'm always compromizing on everything.
trying to please everyone i care about and erasing myself in the prosess.
i bet if i stood up and said no, people would just think i was joking.
i'll take that bubblewrap now, thank you.
if nothing else, it numbs the pain.